Thursday, August 24, 2006


I've neglected the blog a bit. I've been playing Civ III. It's always fun to be invaded by someone with least when you have mechanized infantry, F-15s and modern armor. Heh.

I had a good time at the movie. My dad, uncle and cousin went. We had an hour to kill so we walked around the museum, I must go back. It was great!

This week has been meh. I'm just looking forward to the weekend when the whole UMBC Gang will re-unite for a picnic. There are more of us now than when we graduated so it should be a great group picture.


Anonymous said...

Civ IV, by the way, is a very well done game. It even has PBeM functionality. Highly recommend the upgrade.

Nick said...

I've been kicking it around, but if the CIV series follows its normal procedure, in a few months there will be an omnibus set of CD's that had been released previously. Now, the one I'm gonna knuckle under and buy immediately is SM's Railroads.