Wednesday, November 28, 2007

This can only lead to trouble...

It's horrible, catastrophic, impact of biblical proportions, dogs and cats LIVING TOGETHER---MASS HYSTERIA!!!


I've had my first Fractured Prune donut.

A hot custom made Fractured Prune donut. I had the French Toast donut. They are sooooooo good. This is not good for my waistline, it's on my way to work.

Time to start looking at the sansabelt pants.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I love this...

Pimp my book cart.

Who says librarians aren't fun?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The National Football League

Well, the Ravens are in the crapper, the Skins are on their way down...

That leaves my third team: THE GREEN BAY PACKERS

Whew. Keep on trucking fellas, I'll enjoy watching you Thursday. (Green Bay on a weekday...with turkey...does it get any better?)

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Back from a business trip...

THFH was in Nawlns this past week. Actually, Slidell, LA and the Stennis Space Center and Nawlns for two dinners.

Some thoughts:
Chefs in New Orleans know how to cook really good seafood dishes.

The city is still messed up, especially the eastern side.

Beingets are addictive.

Sights of note:
-Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) at the Memphis Airport
-a brass trio in front of K-Pauls where one member balanced a Sousaphone on his chin!
-huge bloody test stands for rockets at the Stennis Space Center
-Bourbon St. aka Mos Eisley Spaceport. "Nowhere else in the universe will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villany. We must be cautious."